Author Topic: Yo Curt in the house  (Read 212 times)


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Yo Curt in the house
« on: July 22, 2013, 12:33:32 am »
Howdy my name is Curt Jewell im 33 yrs old.  I live by myself have 2 great dogs and 2 ferrets,  Lately i been on a crash course of learning more about myself.  Mainly started happening about 14 months ago i was going through a bout of depression for no reason.  Was thinking of some dark horrible **** to do to myself.  And started to ask myself questions about why im here and why im thinking this stuff.  So I found a great life coach who helped me through it.  Thats when I started getting into meditation and energy work.  One day while dabbling with meditation I had a experience where it felt like a tennis ball was going up my back.  I was freaking out and had no clue what was happening.  Since then I read a bunch of spirtual books, went to sedona for  drunvalo melchizedek well actually his wife.  And then joined the higher balance institute.  But I enjoy the information but I have always wanted to OBE and other fun stuff.  And was trying to figure why I have such sudden mood swings.  Recently I joined AEMI and love it.  I will post more just a quick bio

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